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UTOPIA Magazine

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Read the latest copy of UTOPIA

Issue 03

Online now!

our manifesto. . .

The launch of 'utopia' magazine comes as result of our desire to  develop a creative outlet  through the means of collaboration and community. Promoting innovation and new ways of  seeing we aim to analyse the current role of the fashion industry at present in order to construct a visual and literary Utopia in which self-expression can be utilised as a means for greater social change.


Not only does the fashion industry account for 8% of the world's total carbon emissions, a stark rise in the consumption of fast fashion has laid down solid groundwork for the further exploitation of workers as well as the rapid and unsustainable use of finite resources. In response to this increasingly dystopian cultural climate,  in which the consumerism of the Western world is prioritised at the expense of our own future 'Utopia' employs a critical lens to analyse fashions of the past, present and future.


Click to see our previous Print editions!


Editorials and artwork


Designer Spotlights 


Trashion Show 

We are Looking for creatives!

As part of our aim to encourage innovation and creative development, we are looking for more contributors to our magazine 'Utopia'. If you are looking for an opportunity to further your experience and skills this is a platform to do so! We are looking for...





Graphic Designers

Web designers

Send in your interests, ideas, and experience to

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Supported by Bristol SU

© 2023 Fashion Forward Society

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